Well lately I have spent alot of time driving and riding in the car. Wanted to share something God was reminding me of and speaking to me about yesterday on the ride to Ixmi. Hopefully it will be an encouragement to those of you who are broken, or need to be reminded that His plans for you are perfect.
I was remembering when I was young, probably about 5 or 6 and my cousins use to always take me for rides on their motorcycles. One day we were riding around our neighbors yard and we went to make a turn while going around this tree. I guess we got to close cause I fell off and my face went straight into the tree, we were going pretty fast, so you can image the impact. My parents took me to the hospital, I had bark from the tree struck in my face. It was only my forehead and the whole left side. My parents thought for sure I was going to grow up with scares all over the left side of my face or that someday I would need surgury. But amazingly there is not a single scare on my face!! This is what the Lord was speaking to me as He reminded me of that experience.
¨Everytime you see a reflection of yourself in a mirror. Notice there are no scares on your face, not one! And know that if I can take the outta layer of your skin that was scared and RESTORE it to perfect wholeness then Tracey you must know that I can do the same with your heart. No matter what scares or brokeness has been involved I can take it an bring restoration to the fullest!¨ WOW! what amazing love God has for us! Someone who is a powerful influence in my life once said ¨When God restores something it´s better than it was beforë.¨ AMEN!!! Haggai 2:9 ¨The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house, says the Lord Almighty. And in this place I will grant peace, declares the Lord Almighty.¨ Let it be so in my life God and in the lives of all those who need restoration!