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The day of my birth!

  • Friday, April 16, 2010
  • Tracey Honess
  • Labels:
  • (I posted a baby picture of me and my Dad when I was only a couple months old.)
    So, today is my birthday....my students think I'm still a teenager. I'll let them keep thinking that, lol. Although, my teen years are long behind me. When my Mama called me this morning she wished me "Happy Birthday" and then told me about the day I was born. I'm not sure that I ever remember hearing this story, not that it's anything extravagant. It does, however, show a side of my Mama that I love. She is a very laid back individual that doesn't let much in life "ruffle her feathers" or send her into panic mode. April 16, 1984 around 9:30 she was a work talking to another employee in the hallway when her water broke. She calmly ended the conversation and walked out to the receptionist and said, "Hey, I'm gonna head home cause I think I'm gonna have a baby today." She proceeds to go home and take a shower, change her clothes and pack and few things. Then she calls my Dad at work about 12:30 and asks him to come home and take her to the hospital. So after a bit they head to the hospital and around 6:00....here I come. :) It's amazing to look back over the past 26 years (well, the ones that I can remember) and simply be amazing at God's goodness and faithfulness over my life. In every season He has been there. I am blessed!

    Love grows....

  • Thursday, April 15, 2010
  • Tracey Honess
  • Labels:

  • Today my husband and I celebrate 9 months of marriage! I can honestly say that I love him more today than the day I married him. My love grows. God definitely uses marriage to shape you, and reveal things in your life. To break you and build you up. It is such a beautiful process. I have a greater understanding of God's love and patience than ever before. Marriage has a way of drawing you closer than ever to your first love, Jesus. So, I am posting some of our engagement pictures on here today, because this time last year we were taking them! :)


  • Tracey Honess
  • Labels:
  • I wrote these words a few months ago......"As an artist carefully begins his work already seeing the finished portrait in his mind; so my God paints out my life in a beautiful portrait. I anxiously stand aside watching not knowing whats to happen next, not knowing why He has drawn or allowed certain things to come to pass. Yet, I can rest knowing that He knows and already sees the finished masterpiece while I look on still in bewilderment waiting to see what the next stoke of His brush holds." It is the reason I named my blog "The Unfolding Journey." I was reminded of this picture and these words I'd written months ago as I made a conscience choice today to trust Him once again with my future.