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Embracing the moment!

  • Wednesday, February 9, 2011
  • Tracey Honess
  • Labels:
  • Everywhere I go lately God keeps using people at work, at home, at church, even a random stranger to remind me of the scripture that says, "But first be concerned about God's kingdom and his righteousness, and all of these things will be provided for you as well." -Matt. 6:33. It's so easy for me naturally to look forward and long for what is to come. That's not completely a bad thing, but I am one who can get so excited, or long for the future that I forget to embrace the moment that God has me in at any given time.

    Frank (my husband) and I were married a year and a half ago, since then we have been BLESSED to be living in an area of my parents rather large house. lol :) Ever since I can remember my Mom and Dad have opened their home to pastors, missionaries, families in need, friends, college students, and even unknown cross country backpackers (scary…I know, lol) It was a very common thing growing up to hear…”Tracey, you’re gonna have to room with your sister this weekend cause we’re having company who need to use your room….Oh! P.S: Make sure you clean!” LOL! I grew to love it and to this day enjoy being around and meeting new people. Over the years, even as recent as 5 years ago my parents were still adding and building onto their home. I remember questioning it at the time thinking that as us kids were growing up and moving out to college, ect….why build on?!? Am I ever glad that did! It has proven to be an incredible blessing for my husband and I, and many others….if you are reading this and have witnessed my parents hospitality you can agree that it is definitely one of their gifts.

    I never would have dreamed or even imagined that after getting married my husband and I would continue to dwell in the place I always called home. I have within this past year fought a lot within my own self, not understand why circumstances haven’t lined up for my husband and I to move into our own home. I’ve been frustrated to the point of tears. It has partly just been a natural feeling of longing for independence, and like any other couple, just wanting a place to call their own. Frank and I have been saving diligently in the process of this blessing and we believe that God will open the doors in 2011 for us to have our own home! Yet, in the midst the planning, believing and looking forward God is always reminding me to EMBRACE THE MOMENT…..and to seek FIRST His kingdom, and EVERYTHING ELSE (house, jobs, ect.) will be added. I am blessed beyond my wildest dreams! I wouldn’t trade this past year and a half of being married and living at home for anything. We have developed a great relationship with my Mom and Dad, shared countless meals, vacations, and memories that would not have been formed so deeply had we moved out sooner or not stayed here at all. I have enjoyed the chance to share my siblings with my husband (who is an only child) and enjoyed watching as he interacts with them. I have LOVED the opportunity to watch Savanna grow into her teen years and be able to be involved in her life on an almost daily basis. I remember holding my baby sister (as I was a 13 year old myself when she was born) and praying over her as a little baby that she would grow up to love Jesus and love people. I can say that my little sister is one of the most compassionate people I know in life. Can’t wait to see how God chooses to use her life and her journey to bless others!

    Ok, so before this blog gets to long…let me stop! I’ll close by saying that although my husband and I are looking forward to have adequate provision and a place to call our own….I am embracing these moments that we now have and so BLESSED that I can’t help but smile. The picture below is my family at Christmas morning (just this past December) you’ll have to forgive our bed heads and sleepy faces….we woke up and enjoyed Christmas together and saved showers for later!

    The heart of man plans his way,
    but the Lord establishes his steps. - Proverbs 16:9