These five lovely ladies are the Lighthouse Christian School 2012 graduates. I am proud of each one of them, as they are beautiful both inside and out. I pray God continues to direct their paths, and their hearts as they go on to high school. Grateful for the memories and laughs that I can cherish as I reflect on the day we took these photos. Congrats girls!!! Go change the world!
About Me

- Tracey Honess
- Follower of Jesus. Wife to an amazing husband. Mama to a sweet boy. Creative thinker. Passionate worshiper. Coffee addict. Sporadic writer. Music lover. Picture taker. Bilingual speaker. Fan of cultures. Estatic traveler. Beach girl. Bargain shopper. Fashion fiend. Sister to a handsome brother and two beautiful sisters. Daughter of wise parents. Child of God. Called to disciple. One who embraces an abnormal life. Living and dying for the One who gave all for me.